Appleevent: No such object Appleevent: Bad test key Appleevent: No such logical construct Appleevent: Accessor not found Appleevent: Incorrect range Appleevent: Event wasn’t handled by any handler Appleevent: Wrong descriptor Type Appleevent: Incorrect data Appleevent: Descriptor record not found Appleevent: Data could not be coerced to requested type PostScript error detected. AppleTalk not active. Printer not found. Printer resource file not found. Resource not found. Out of memory. Can't write to disk. Bad directory. File or volume access denied. File is locked. Volume is not on-line. File is already opened for writing. Duplicate file name. File is already open. Disk is locked. File is locked. Disk is write protected. File not found. Can't open any more files. File structure damaged. Unexpected end-of-file encountered. I/O error trying to read or write to disk. Can’t find required volume or folder. Disk is full. Directory is full. Unknown error.